Weeks 3 + 4 – Transitions + Strumming

October 11th-24th (up to date on posting blogs now!)

I’ve been feeling pretty good about how my hand positioning is going, so I began putting all of the pieces I learned together by beginning to work on my midterm song, ‘Alouette’. I used the chords/music from MusicPlay to see what notes I needed (G and D7) and began playing around with those. I feel confident doing them on their own, but transitioning between the two is way trickier than I though it would be. After a couple practice sessions, it’s still sounding pretty slow and clumsy, but my notes are a bit cleaner sounding, where as they were pretty sloppy when I first started practicing that.

Along with transitioning between G and D7, I needed to introduce strumming patterns. This was something I forgot about when creating my plan, and that became very apparent when I got to this stage – I know the notes I need to play, but how do I play them? I had to enlist the help of my husband, as I felt pretty lost on how to proceed with it. For the song ‘Alouette’ we came up with:

I’m not sure if that the correct way to write that out, but it made the most sense to me at the time and has helped me remember it, so I’m sticking with it!

Incorporating the strum pattern has been fairly easy, but I tried once to stick to the pattern and include lyrics – that didn’t work so well! I still need to focus so hard on counting that it’s feeling too tough to bring in an extra element right now.

I’ll get a bit more practice in, then post my video for midterm!